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Spirituality at Walsham le Willows CEVC Primary School

What is Spirituality?

Spirituality is about relationships: relationships with ourselves, others, the world and with God.

It is the sense of our engagement with the world, with ourselves and with others that is intangible but a deep part of us.

To be in touch with your spiritual self means that you are self aware. Inevitably, spirituality requires reflection, introspection, questioning and engagement with ideas.

Beyond academic learning, we can support children to be founded, strong, meaningful and engaging citizens of the world who can bring greater value into their own lives and those of others.

What does Spirituality look like?

Aspiritually developed child might have the ability to:

➢ Enter into relationships

➢ Understand feelings and emotions

➢ Distinguish between right and wrong

➢ Feelconnected to something greater than themselves

➢ Consider the possibility of being loved by creator God

➢ Articulate their own attitudes and values and stand up to what they believe

➢ Challenge that which seeks to constrain the human spirit.

How do we nurture Spirituality development at Walsham-le-Willows Primary School?

•Strong sense of community

•High quality of relationships with pupils and staff

• Positive attitudes to learning • Celebrating successes

• Support during challenging times

• Promotion of our Christian values

• Daily opportunities for reflection

• Strong Pastoral support

• Daily Collective Worship

• Cross-curricular spirituality links

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